Saturday, December 27, 2014


As per their sentencing on December 12, 2014, the Dragons have been fulfilling their community service hours at the Adrian Branch Library.  Librarian Meredith Vaselaar assigned duties in accordance to each dragon’s strength and skill level.  The dragons have been very busy:

Ander Dragon, a true "attention-to-detail" aficionado, has been assisting in the shelving of books:

Blayze Dragon, whose ability with technology is legendary, has been vacuuming the carpet in the children’s story time area:

Jia Dragon, a true “people-dragon,” has been working at the circulation desk:

Theo Dragon, the “neat freak” of the bunch, has a penchant for bubbles, so being the designated mopper was the obvious choice:

Once their community service hours are completed, the Dragons have decided to stay on and help out at the library.

It appears as if their days of criminal behavior are behind them for good!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


On Friday, December 12, 2014, at 2:30 p.m., the Library Dragons met with Judge Gordon Moore, III, in Courtroom A, at the Nobles County Courthouse in Worthington, MN.

The Dragons were facing multiple counts of reckless mischievousness.  The four displayed rare somber countenances.  This was the big time, folks.  What would be the fate of this quartet of miscreants?

After careful review of the charges ~ which spanned fifteen crimes ~ Judge Moore found the defendants guilty on all counts.  At the same time, Moore observed that none of the crimes were malicious in nature and caused no permanent damage.  Furthermore, the good Judge noted the tender age of the defendants, as well as their precocious cuteness, and decided that leniency was the order of the day.

The Dragons – Ander, Blayze, Jia, and Theo – were sentenced to fifteen hours of community service (each) to be served at the Adrian Branch Library.  The sentences were to begin on December 15, 2014, and conducted under the watchful eye of Librarian Meredith Vaselaar.

Judge Gordon Moore, III, reminded the Dragons to behave themselves, and then completed the proceedings.  The courtroom was cleared, with all breathing a sigh of relief.

Justice had been served.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Apparently, where there are cookies, there are Dragons!  The Dragons are out on their own recognizance at the moment and, thus far, have been behaving.  Will the good behavior continue? One can hope . . . after all, Santa IS watching!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


For months our Chief of Police Shawn Langseth had been plotting and planning the capture of the dragons.  The Chief analyzed mountains of evidence and clues. He began to anticipate scenarios in which the dragons might find themselves.  But most importantly, our good Chief never, ever gave up.

As for the dragons? They woefully underestimated Adrian’s Chief of Police.

To capture a dragon, one must think like a dragon.  And when there are four dragons to capture? That is four times the thinking.  With that much thinking going on, our Chief could not fail!

Chief Langseth put it all together:  

1) the dragons enjoyed playing tricks; 
2) the dragons enjoyed playing games; 
3) the dragons enjoyed adventures; 
4) the dragons enjoyed hiding; and, not surprisingly: 
5) the dragons REALLY enjoyed candy.  

Keeping all of this in mind, Chief Langseth realized that there was one day in the year in which those dragons would be in their element: Halloween!

On Halloween night, as the children in the town were going door-to-door trick-or treating, our Chief of Police was setting a trap in the Adrian Branch Library.  Earlier in the day, he had convinced Librarian Meredith Vaselaar to set out a bowl of candy in honor of the day.  Word spread quickly that there were free treats to be had in the Library.  It was a gamble that the dragons would hear about the treats, but it was a risk the Chief was willing to take.

As nightfall descended upon the village, the Chief cleverly hid in the Library. Shortly before midnight, Chief of Police Langseth heard a rustling outside of the building.  Soon, the faint creak of the bookdrop door was heard.  There were whispers and giggling as four tiny dragons slid almost-silently down the book chute.

Alas! Those dragons were NOT expecting to land in the net that Chief Langseth held at the end of the book chute!  Four dragons landed – kerplunk! – into the green net held firmly by the Chief. 

Caught! Trapped!! Captured!!!

The dragons knew they had met their match!  They said nary a word as they were placed in the Library castle dungeon.  They knew they had been captured, fair-and-square, and that they had to buck-up for whatever restitution would need to be made.

For the moment, those four dragons remain incarcerated.  Will their punishment fit their crimes? Or, will they earn leniency due to their lack of stature and their total non-lack of extreme cuteness? 

It will be up to the judge to decide their fate.

In the meantime, all is back in order and the residents of Adrian can rest easy, knowing that the days of dragon-mayhem have ended.

Thank you, Chief Langseth!

(P.S. Could not resist paying homage to "The Shawshank Redemption."  Can you spot it?)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WE'RE BAAAAACK!!!! October 29, 2014

Cue the scary music!  After a summer fling in which the Library dragons were on the lam and evading capture, it appears that they are back – and back with a vengeance!  This time, the dragons made no pretense as to their identity. 

In fact, the dragons had the cheek to leave behind photos of their most recent caper!  And there was more than one surprise . . .

The dragons set their sights not on the Adrian Branch Library but on the library at the Adrian Elementary School!  That’s right – those dragons invaded the Elementary Library.  They played with the decorations, they made merry with the AR prizes, they hung out with Librarian Ms. Klaassen’s array of bears and cats, and they checked out the jack-o-lanterns.

When I say they “checked out the jack-o-lanterns,” I mean that literally.

When Ms. Klaassen arrived at the Elementary Library earlier this week it was to find two pumpkins missing, and photos on her computer (which, apparently, the dragons hacked) showing the criminals in action.

What nefarious plans do the dragons have afoot? (I’ve always wanted to use “afoot” in a sentence.) Their plans seem to involve jack-o-lanterns.  Will they be out-and-about on Halloween?  If so, will they be indulging in treats – or in tricks?

Police Chief Shawn Langseth reviewed the evidence and had this to say:  “The dragons have become rather bold.  Their careless egos could be their downfall.  The dragons’ days of wandering about loose are numbered!”

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CAUGHT ON CAMERA! October 16, 2014

These images were caught on camera at the Adrian Elementary School . . . what are those dragons up to??? . . .

Monday, October 27, 2014


Once again, the dragons use the library for anything but reading.  Do these skills have anything to do with HOW the dragons are entering the library???

DRAGONS ON VACATION!!! August 9, 2014

Location unknown:  The dragons play on the beach.   Enjoy your freedom while it lasts, you crafty dragons . . . we WILL find you!


The dragons seem ready to help themselves to some beautiful flowers at McCarthy's floral, as they sneak around Jane's feet.  Thus far, they have been too slippery to catch!

Friday, June 27, 2014


It appears that those silly dragons attended the showing of "The Frog Prince" at the Adrian Elementary School on Monday, June 23.  It wasn't until after the performance, when Librarian Meredith Vaselaar was looking through pictures of the performance, that she saw that the dragons had been hiding amongst the flowers on the set.  Where will those dragons hide next?

Thursday, June 19, 2014


As Chris at the Plum Creek Library System main office was busy working, those naughty dragons decided to help themselves to new library cards.  Where will those dragons turn up next?

Monday, June 2, 2014



Adrian Elementary School Librarian, Ms. Klaassen, was so busy on the last day of school that she did not notice those sneaky Dragons.  Where will they turn up next?

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It was a slip-up of epic proportions.  The perpetrators responsible for the ongoing crime spree at the Adrian Branch Library made an error that we hope will lead to their apprehension.  Last week, Chief Langseth discovered a mobile telephone in the library.  For a week, the Chief analyzed the phone.  For hours he worked at cracking the code to unlock the phone.

Mission accomplished!

Chief Langseth, after cracking the code (411Dr@g0n5!), was able to access a number of photographs – hundreds, to be frank.  Not only were the perpetrators guilty of the crimes, they made a detailed photographic record of each and every crime that they committed at the Adrian Branch Library since January of this year.

Not surprisingly, the very first photo found by the Chief was a group selfie – boldly snapped in the Library itself.

What was surprising is that the perpetrators are not human!  The selfie proved – as did all the crime photos – that DRAGONS are responsible for each and every crime at the Adrian Branch Library. 

That’s right:  DRAGONS! 

From pouring baby powder all over the Library, to sailing a pirate ship down the center hallway, to driving motorcycles past the reference section   . . . it seems that nothing was too nefarious for those dragons to try.  The dragons also made themselves at home at the Library – they watched movies, including “The Reluctant Dragon;” they had pillow fights; they jousted by the castle.  Photo after photo showed one heinous act after another.


In a forum at the Adrian Elementary School on Tuesday afternoon, Chief Langseth was present while photos of the perpetrators were shown to the audience.  The Chief reluctantly admitted that although the perps had been identified, they had not as of yet been apprehended.

It seems that the perps are on the lam!

The Chief is asking for any and all to assist in finding – and apprehending – the perpetrators.  Where will the dragons go? Where can they hide?  What will be their next move?

If you have any idea as to where the perpetrators can be found, please contact the Adrian Branch Library:  507 483-2541;  .  We will continue to add crime photos to this blog, in hopes it will help to catch the perpetrators.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

EVIDENCE AT LAST! May 12, 2014

Chief of Police Shawn Langseth knew that it would be just a matter of time before the Library Crime Spree perpetrators would make a mistake.

What a mistake!

Perhaps it was during a quick get-away that the perpetrators left something behind.  Perhaps it was during a crime attempt that our perps left behind the evidence found by Chief Langseth.

Whatever the cause – the evidence was left, to be found by our eagle-eyed law enforcement officer.  The evidence was small, about 1” long, weighing almost nothing.  Lesser trained eyes would have missed it entirely.  Small, true, but big in terms of solving the crime.

The perpetrators had left behind a mobile phone.  Precursor to the cell phone, the mobile phone appears to hold definitive clues as to the identity of the perpetrators.  There has been much speculation as to the identity of the perpetrators.  A random sampling of elementary students over the past few weeks has resulted in two people topping the head of the suspect list:  Chief Langseth himself, and Adrian Elementary School Librarian, Sherrilyn Klaassen.  With the evidence on the mobile phone, it appears that neither one is the true culprit. 

Some wondered:  are the culprits the Library staff?  Are Meredith Vaselaar, Librarian, Joan Johnson, Library Page, and Alpharetta Palaschak, Library Clerk, responsible for the chaos?  Nay.  None of the library ladies will be charged with the crimes.

Who, then, is responsible for these heinous deeds?

For the rest of the week, Chief Langseth will be analyzing the data that will be mined from the mobile phone.  Langseth will be on his own in uncovering the secrets of the phone.  (Despite repeated attempts to enlist the assistance of Homeland Security, the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, and Guy Noir, Langseth has come to the disturbing realization that the Adrian Branch Library Crime Spree of 2014 does not warrant national aid.  No matter, Langseth has made it thus far on his own, and has vowed to solve the crime using just the members of his own small police department.)

The evidence culled from the mobile phone will be presented at the Adrian Elementary School on Tuesday afternoon, May 20.  By that time, Langseth plans to have photos from the phone ready for display to an eager crowd.  Shortly after the public presentation, a few evidentiary photos, identifying the perpetrators, will be posted online on the official crime spree blog site:

There is still time to submit a guess (the first person to correctly identify the perpetrators will receive a prize . . . the question is, has anyone accomplished that yet?).  Contact the Library if you want to place your guess:  507 483-2541, or email Librarian Meredith Vaselaar: .

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

UM . . . OR COULD IT BE PIRATES? May 5, 2014

Perchance there were Pirates perusing the books in the Library.  When a skull and crossbones are found in the Library, there are not many other conclusions to reach.  Chief of Police Shawn Langseth was quick to arrive at the Library on Monday, May 5, and he had this to say:  “Pirates are known for having a penchant for playful pranks.” 

Librarian Meredith Vaselaar pensively perused the crime scene, pondering its meaning.  The preponderance of evidence pointed to perpetrators of a perplexing sort.  Could it be that nothing is as it seemed?  Chief Langseth mapped the plethora of evidence with perfect precision.   

And where did the evidence point?  Once again, pirates: or are the perpetrators merely PRETENDING to be pirates?  Our Chief paced the floor, wearing a hole into the patterned tile.  When pacing produced nothing, the Chief picked up the skull and peered into its (empty) eyes, which held nothing.  Therefore, it was clear that there was nothing to be gained by picking its (lack of) brain.

Skull, pickax, sword, waves, pirate tomes and paper hats peppered the carpet.  Fingerprints? Nay.  Booty left behind?  Nay.  Pirates are too practical to leave forensic evidence.

Fear not, ye whose stomachs are churning from lack of progress (or bad alliteration, whatever) – it is believed that there will be a significant breakthrough within the fortnight, and the perpetrators will soon be identified. 

One can practically smell the perpetrators closing in, leaving a pungent odor that permeates the place.  .  (Oh, puh leeze . . . don’t try to stop me when I’m on a roll.)

Chief Langseth has promised to bring the perps to perdition.  If anyone can do it, he can. 

If you wish to assist in finding the culprits, be sure to stop by the Adrian Branch Library.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

AS WHITE AS SNOW? April 28, 2014

Once upon a time there was a little library in a little town.  The little library was happy, because its patrons were happy checking out little books and little movies.  Then, one day, the little library became the site of a little crime spree . . .

The last little crime spree at the little Adrian Branch Library had a bit of a softer touch to it.  “Soft” as in “powder soft.”  This is not a riddle – it really was powder soft, with snowdrifts of powder all over the Library reading table.  There were footprints, as well as a little bottle, and a little rattle.  All covered in a little powder.

Surely the perpetrators could not be babies? infants? bambinos?  How would that be possible?  Babies cannot open doors, or strew eggs on shelves, or knit.  And most certainly a baby could not cover a table with a layer of talcum powder – could it? Is it a sign of Peter Pan’s influence?

Chief of Police Shawn Langseth was as perplexed as he was puzzled.  “Powder?” he pondered.  “What possible significance could powder have with our perpetrators?”  The powerful Police Chief paused to reflect, “possibly this powder is a mere pittance of a clue.”

From a practical perspective, should our Police Chief be proactive and produce a trap that will prove providential in apprehending the provincial perps?  Or are his suppositions merely parenthetical? And is that just pandering to the alliterative pathos of a reporter run amok?

In other words – the clues are: powder, bottles, rattles . . . run with it, people!