As per their sentencing on December 12, 2014, the Dragons have been fulfilling their community service hours at the Adrian Branch Library. Librarian Meredith Vaselaar assigned duties in accordance to each dragon’s strength and skill level. The dragons have been very busy:
Ander Dragon, a true "attention-to-detail" aficionado, has been assisting in the shelving of books:
Blayze Dragon, whose ability with technology is legendary, has been vacuuming the carpet in the children’s story time area:
Jia Dragon, a true “people-dragon,” has been working at the circulation desk:
Theo Dragon, the “neat freak” of the bunch, has a penchant for bubbles, so being the designated mopper was the obvious choice:
Once their community service hours are completed, the Dragons have decided to stay on and help out at the library.