Friday, August 23, 2019


The Dragons are taking to the road to visit as many Public Libraries in the Plum Creek Library Systemas possible this summer.  There will be trip photos to view on a regular basis.

The Dragons visited the Meinders Community Library in Pipestone.  A good time was had by all. J Stop by if you are in the area!

Meinders Community Library
1401 7th Street SW
Pipestone, MN   56164
Population: 4,317
A VERY HUNGRY giant caterpillar!
Running with the dinosaurs:
Teens celebrated the 50th anniversary
of the Moon landing by building
amazing dioramas commemorating
the historic event:
Hanging out in the castle with reading friends:
A 3-D PRINTER!!! *
* (You know what this means, right? The Dragons will
no doubt find some very fun things to do with
this in future “3-D Printer Adventures.”

Thanks, Meinders Community Library, for giving us a tour!

Check out the Meinders Community Library:

A FREE Plum Creek Library Card, which you can pick up at your local Library, can be used in every Public Library in Minnesota!  You can orderbooks, movies, cake pans, puppets, and so much more, just by using your Library Card!  You can check-out and download FREE eBooksand FREE eAudioBooksusing your Library Card.  You can listen to books on your phone or computer, or BlueTooth your device to the radio in a vehicle or a portable speaker.  So easy! So fun! So FREE!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2019


The Dragons are taking to the road to visit as many Public Libraries in the Plum Creek Library Systemas possible this summer.  There will be trip photos to view on a regular basis.

The Dragons visited the Edgerton Public Library.  So many fun things to see and do!  Stop by if you are in the area!

Edgerton Public Library
811 1st Avenue West
Edgerton, MN   56128
Population: 1,189
Time to play on the Lego® table:
So many board books, so little time!
The Dragons put on a puppet show:
Hanging out at the cabin!
It’s a poorly kept secret that pizza is a favorite with the Dragons!
 Thanks, Edgerton Public Library, for giving us a tour!

A FREE Plum Creek Library Card, which you can pick up at your local Library, can be used in every Public Library in Minnesota!  You can orderbooks, movies, cake pans, puppets, and so much more, just by using your Library Card!  You can check-out and download FREE eBooksand FREE eAudioBooksusing your Library Card.  You can listen to books on your phone or computer, or BlueTooth your device to the radio in a vehicle or a portable speaker.  So easy! So fun! So FREE!!!

Friday, August 9, 2019


The Dragons are taking to the road to visit as many Public Libraries in the Plum Creek Library Systemas possible this summer.  There will be trip photos to view on a regular basis.

The Dragons visited the Slayton Public Library.  What a welcoming place!  Stop by if you are in the area!

Slayton Public Library
2451 Broadway Avenue
Slayton, MN   56172
Population: 2,153
 Hey, look! It’s the Dragons ~
It’s spaceship time ~ just like the first moonwalk, 50 years ago:
Building a road:
If you haven’t checked out the teen space at the
Library, you should.  These teens invited the
Dragons to play Manga with them and have some
hot chocolate ~ thanks, awesome teens!
 Thanks, Slayton Public Library, for giving us a tour!

A FREE Plum Creek Library Card, which you can pick up at your local Library, can be used in every Public Library in Minnesota!  You can orderbooks, movies, cake pans, puppets, and so much more, just by using your Library Card!  You can check-out and download FREE eBooksand FREE eAudioBooksusing your Library Card.  You can listen to books on your phone or computer, or BlueTooth your device to the radio in a vehicle or a portable speaker.  So easy! So fun! So FREE!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


The Dragons are taking to the road to visit as many Public Libraries in the Plum Creek Library Systemas possible this summer.  There will be trip photos to view on a regular basis.

The Dragons visited the Fulda Memorial Library.  The patrons are so friendly!  Stop by if you are in the area!

Fulda Memorial Library
101 3rd Street NE
Fulda, MN   56131
Population: 1,318
Time to play on the children’s computer!
Getting started with 1,000 books before Kindergarten
with help from the Hungry Caterpillar:
A castle! A treehouse!
Life is GOOD!
Thanks, Fulda Memorial Library, for giving us a tour!

on Facebook. J

Check out the Fulda Memorial Library's
2019 Edible Book Festival/Contest in Photos.

A FREE Plum Creek Library Card, which you can pick up at your local Library, can be used in every Public Library in Minnesota!  You can orderbooks, movies, cake pans, puppets, and so much more, just by using your Library Card!  You can check-out and download FREE eBooksand FREE eAudioBooksusing your Library Card.  You can listen to books on your phone or computer, or BlueTooth your device to the radio in a vehicle or a portable speaker.  So easy! So fun! So FREE!!!

Monday, August 5, 2019

TOO. EARLY. .... August 5, 2019

At 5:37 a.m., the Dragons discover
a stash of musical instruments…

Time for the Dragons to
return to the Library!*
(* So many Dragons; so many things
that could go wrong!  Due to the
nature of, well, Dragons, the
Librarian is currently recovering
from their visit.  Photos will be
posted at random times, so
as to not overwhelm delicate
sensibilities. You’re welcome!)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

BEDTIME...August 2.5, 2019

 The Dragons snuggle down in bed ~
time for bedtime stories!
The Dragons love Cicely Mary Barker’s
“Flower Faeries” series:
An all time favorite ~
Le Petit Prince:
Goodnight, Dragons! Sleep tight!
Lights out….
Wait! What????

Friday, August 2, 2019

AN INVITATION...August 2, 2019

The Dragons have been invited to spend 
the weekend at the Librarian’s house!
 (Really – there is no way this could be a bad idea…..)