Wednesday, March 5, 2014



The Adrian Branch Library has been the scene of yet another break-in!  Was it a coincidence that on the weekend that Librarian Meredith Vaselaar was out-of-town mischievous miscreants had created mayhem in the library?  I think not!

On Monday, March 3, 2014, library clerks Joan and Alpharetta experienced the same feeling of horror that Librarian Vaselaar had felt the previous five Mondays.  Upon opening up the library that morning, the two loyal staffers discovered that there was a mess to be cleaned up.  It took very little imagination to see that someone – or something – had been watching movies while the library was closed.  Popcorn and snack wrappers were scattered on books, on chairs, and on the floor.  A movie was still trapped in the laptop computer, which had been moved from the desk to a make-shift table across the one-room library.

“I feel very much maligned,” said the Librarian, when she learned of the crime.  Chief of Police Shawn Langseth mulled over the evidence, before concluding that the identities of the perpetrators, as well as the motives, were a mystery.  “Could it have been movie-watching monkeys that mushed the munchies on the floor?” Chief Langseth mused, “Or malaperts who have taken to mocking the mesdames of the library?”  

Moreover, how did the meddlesome miscreants make movie mayhem while still managing to maintain their mysterious identity? 

‘Tis a puzzlement!

Mayhap, now that a secret hidden camera has been installed at the library, the miscreants will be caught and made to atone for their malfeasance! 

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