It's fun being a librarian... during the annual "Learn about Summer Reading" May visits to the library by our elementary school classes I hear a lot of things, learn a lot of things (as in, apparently the younger generation has never heard of "Magic Markers;" sadly, their markers are just ordinary). The Library Dragons are always a big hit and, invariably, the children ask if the Dragons are real. I usually reply with something like, "Well, what do YOU think?" Sometimes they will ask me if I think they are real, to which I reply, "Well, my children think that I think the Library Dragons are real."
During one recent class visit, however, I had a little girl ask a different question. As she gazed into the Dragon Playground, she gently touched the blue sparkly "flooring" and asked, awestruck, "Are these sparkles REAL?????"
I hesitated just a moment, then said with absolute conviction:
"Yes. Yes, those are REAL sparkles!"
She looked at them reverently and whispered, "Wow!"
I love my job!