Tuesday, June 26, 2018


An unexpected, mysterious package arrived for the Dragons today, with this note:

Um…the answer to that is “Yes!”

A big Dragon “thank you” to our wonderful friend, Rebecca Hudson, for giving us this awesome pirate ship!
Ahoy, ye mateys!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.... June 21, 2018

Southwest Minnesota has gotten a fair bit of rain in the past few days – with no end in the near-future.  Theo tried walking across the lawn, to no avail.  Looks like kayaking is the way to navigate the prairie today!

Monday, June 18, 2018

WHO WORE IT BETTER? June 19, 2018

Jia wanted to play with an alien after seeing Author Brian Freeman hanging out with his own alien buddy….! 

Eventually, all of the Dragons wanted to play, too.....


Sunday, June 10, 2018


It's fun being a librarian... during the annual "Learn about Summer Reading" May visits to the library by our elementary school classes I hear a lot of things, learn a lot of things (as in, apparently the younger generation has never heard of "Magic Markers;" sadly, their markers are just ordinary). The Library Dragons are always a big hit and, invariably, the children ask if the Dragons are real. I usually reply with something like, "Well, what do YOU think?" Sometimes they will ask me if I think they are real, to which I reply, "Well, my children think that I think the Library Dragons are real." 

During one recent class visit, however, I had a little girl ask a different question. As she gazed into the Dragon Playground, she gently touched the blue sparkly "flooring" and asked, awestruck, "Are these sparkles REAL?????"

I hesitated just a moment, then said with absolute conviction:

"Yes. Yes, those are REAL sparkles!"

She looked at them reverently and whispered, "Wow!"

I love my job!